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Mikrobill radius for Mikrotik Hotspot, problem

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  1. 10 years ago

    Hi !

    I have so simple setup for testing but stuck on authorizing users.

    Mikrobill is RADIUS server, customer is added, Router is added.

    On Mikrotik router is DHCP server for connected users, hotspot is activated with RADIUS enabled.
    When customer connect to Hotspot Mikrotik, and enter user/pass on login form, Mikrobill RADIUS autenticate user, and in Hotspot that user is loged in (active user), but Internet not working, customer cannot ping nothing, nor Mikrotik router which is gateway for that network ??

    For test we are disabled RADIUS aut. in Mikrotik, and activated TRIAL user, such is all working ok, TRIAL user are loged in, and internet working OK ?

    What may be a problem in Mikrobill setup ?

  2. Ok.
    Is there any way to have statistic about customer trafic even one connection are active for month-two ?