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Mikrobill + PPOE authentication

  1. 11 years ago

    Hi support, i have just install mkrobill demo version, i want to test it with ppoe authentication. But when i tried to add the router i always have in the log connection errors.
    i follow the instructions in the tutorial but till the same thing.
    Need your help.

  2. Mikrobill_Alex

    Dec 2013 Administrator

    Hi, do you use Radius of Mikrobill ?

  3. yes, when i use PPP(Secrets) everything is ok, biut when i use PPP (Radius), in the mikrotik log i have authentication failure radius timeout.

  4. Mikrobill_Alex

    Dec 2013 Administrator

    It looks that something is wrong in settings of router - for example IP of Radius, password between radius and Mikrobill...

  5. I have verified,everything is ok. i tried it with another radius server (usemanager of mikrotik) and it is working well, it seems like freeradius daemon is not working on the server.

  6. Mikrobill_Alex

    Dec 2013 Administrator

    and daemon is running or not ?
    Try to run these commands and write result :
    service freeradius restart
    service mikrobill_radd restart

  7. when i run service freeradius restart i have no result, no output
    when i run service mikrobill_radd restart this is the output:

    • Stopping MikroBill Radius Daemon mikrobill_radd.php
    • Starting MikroBill Radius Daemon mikrobill_radd.php
  8. admin

    Dec 2013 Administrator
    Edited 11 years ago by admin

    try to run freeradius in debug mode ...

    freeradius -Xxxxx

    and write result here...

  9. attached to this post the output of freeradius -Xxxxx
    and the output freeradius restart:
    * Stopping FreeRADIUS daemon freeradius

    * /var/run/freeradius/ not found...

    * Starting FreeRADIUS daemon freeradius

    /usr/sbin/freeradius: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/perl/5.14/auto/IO/IO.SO:

    undefined symbol: Perl_xs_apiversion_bootcheck [fail]


  10. admin

    Dec 2013 Administrator
    Edited 11 years ago by admin

    ha, it's bug in perl versions ...


    ls -l /usr/lib/perl

    to get perl version...

    export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/{perl_version}"

    don't remember to change {perl_version}
    and after run:

    freeradius -Xxxx

    when all will be ok:

    export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/{perl_version}"

    to /etc/init.d/freeradius
    export $PATH ...

  11. i did exactly what you ask, everything is ok now with the freeradius daemon but customer can't authenticate and in the mikrotik log i have "authentication failed, radius timeout"

  12. admin

    Dec 2013 Administrator

    check, radius secret , server ip

    if all ok, please send output of

    freeradius -Xxxxx
  13. I followed the whole procedure from the top and is the result of my command freeradius-Xxxxx and my file radius.conf

  14. admin

    Dec 2013 Administrator

    if you see message :)

    Thu Dec 12 12:56:10 2013 : Error: /etc/freeradius/radiusd.conf[240]: Error binding to port for port 1812

    why you not stop radius server and not try again ???????

  15. Mikrobill_Alex

    Dec 2013 Administrator

    Guys, can you send me email and I will find the problem in 5 minutes ? Mail is -

  16. hello,

    I install debian as you had asked me in the mall. Freeradius is installed and it booted fine. When connecting the logs say mikrotik user Username authentication failed - radius timeout. addresses and secret are configured

  17. 10 years ago
    buenas tardes, este es mi correo me interesa saber si el proyecto de mirkrobill todavia sigue porque a mi me interesa una licencia de mas capacidad de 100 clientes y me quiero saber si se le puede instalar el modulo de pppoe para los clientes te dejo mi correo contesteme lo mas rapido posible, gracias.

  18. 9 years ago

    estamos jodidos !!

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