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Splynx Isp Framework solution for ISP with Radius and Mikrotik API support



Last active 10 years ago

  1. 10 years ago
    27 Jan 2014, 9:36am GMT+0000
    comercial posted in Vyatta PPPOE config on Ubiquiti.

    Ok, so, how to setup in mikrobill a Edge Router Lite from 0 step by step?, can someone post the screenshoot??? many thanks!!

  2. 7 Jan 2014, 5:02pm GMT+0000
    comercial posted in Vyatta PPPOE config on Ubiquiti.

    Hi, when we use Edgerouter, how to configure the user (API) and password (API) in the router settings page in Mikrobill??

    Always i see in the log tab, the same error "Connection error".

  3. 3 Jan 2014, 9:30am GMT+0000
    comercial posted in configurar correo.

    Yo he seguido los pasos para configurar el relay pero cuando le doy a Enviar el Email de prueba me devuelve error:
    "auth login

    503 5.5.1 Error: authentication not enabled


    Alguien sabe algo?

  4. 3 Jan 2014, 9:29am GMT+0000
    comercial joined the forum.